On-demand webinar

How Sift and Microsoft Teams Enable More Connected Meetings

An illustration of a virtual meeting

About the Webinar

With the rise in remote and hybrid workplaces in recent years, tech tools such as Microsoft Teams have become essential to collaborating with colleagues virtually. But while chatting or meeting virtually can be suitable alternatives to meeting in person, they can sometimes feel impersonal and unproductive.By implementing new tactics into your meetings and leveraging collaboration tools, like Teams, however, you can drive more productive and connected meetings. Join our Client Success Manager and VP of Product Engineering, with special guest, Samantha Bowman from Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program.

We explore:

  • Common shortcomings of virtual meetings
  • Strategies for holding more effective virtual meetings
  • A demo of how Sift for Teams can make your virtual meetings more collaborative, engaging, and impactful


Ryan Bickham
Vice President of Product Engineering

Ryan has been at Sift since the very beginning. As Sift's VP of Product and Engineering, Ryan is always looking for ways to improve Sift. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring Downtown Detroit and rooting for Detroit's sports teams.

Tim Kamen
Client Success Manager

Tim shares 15+ years of IT knowledge with clients, while providing white glove, high-level technical and customer support. Living his best life with his wife, two Pomeranians, and a Yorkie, he gives out more high-fives than David Puddy.

Samantha Bowman
Director of Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program

With years of expertise in assisting ISVs in selling to enterprise with Microsoft, Samantha brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the table. Her experience extends to collaborating with enterprises, leveraging startup innovation to address their pressing business challenges. Samantha's leadership and deep understanding of the startup ecosystem make her a valuable asset in driving the success of the Pegasus Program and fostering impactful partnerships between startups, enterprise, and Microsoft.