Digital Workspace
June 14, 2024

Microsoft Build and Copilot; Bringing AI Into Your Workflow

Microsoft Build took place a few weeks ago, and to no surprise there was a strong emphasis on AI. The event highlighted how organizations will leverage AI to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive groundbreaking innovation.

Copilot was definitely at the forefront of the keynote, specifically Team Copilot and Copilot Studio. Microsoft highlighted the use of AI agents, which are essentially virtual employees that perform complex tasks autonomously. We take a closer look at each of these and highlight how this might change the way many of us work.

What Is Team Copilot?

Team Copilot is an extension of Copilot’s personal assistant, designed to assist teams by facilitating meetings, tracking tasks, and managing projects. It will be available in preview later in the year.

Team Copilot expands Copilot beyond a personal assistant to act as a valuable team member—participating and contributing along with the team. Team members are still in control and can assign tasks or responsibilities to Copilot so the whole team can be more productive, collaborative, and creative. According to Satya Nadella, it will be available where you collaborate—in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Loop, Microsoft Planner, and many other places. Watching the Build event, Team Copilot helps with the following roles.

  • Meeting facilitator: Copilot enables a more productive discussion in meetings by managing the agenda and taking notes anyone in the meeting can coauthor.
  • Group collaborator: Copilot helps everyone get more out of chats, surfacing the most important information, tracking actions items, and addressing unresolved issues.  
  • Project manager: Copilot ensures every project runs smoothly by creating and assigning tasks, tracking deadlines, and notifying team members when their input is needed.

What Is Copilot Studio?

  • Copilot Studio: This new no-code solution allows the building of custom copilot agents for specific business processes and workflows. Copilot connectors will integrate data from various sources, including Power Platform and third-party applications like Adobe and ServiceNow.

The instance Microsoft showcased involved a specific scenario for onboarding new hires. Envision yourself as a new hire. Copilot welcomes you, addresses your inquiries, connects you with your onboarding buddy, delivers training, outlines deadlines, helps with paperwork, and organizes your initial week of meetings. Throughout this process, the copilot stays engaged, steering you through the extensive onboarding and account setup phases.

Sift and Microsoft Copilot Integration

Sift plans will offer an integration into Copilot starting in early July. We will be bringing Sift results right into Microsoft’s AI companion creating even more ways for teams to get value out of Copilot. Stay tuned for more updates on this.